2011 Submissions
Submission to the Treasury Review of Transfer Pricing Rules

This submission to the federal Treasury acknowledges that, while the Review of Transfer Pricing Rules consultation paper addresses a number of technical tax issues, it raises substantive matters around potential retrospective application of tax changes. Retrospective tax law changes are...

Submission to the Treasury GST Distribution Review

This submission highlights that the current system of GST distribution involves an overwhelming level of effort and complexity for a relatively low national return. It supports a system that better equips the federation to deal with 21st-century challenges through incentives...

Submission to the Productivity Commission on the Role of Local Government as Regulator

This submission responds to a request by the Productivity Commission for information from Business Council of Australia member companies on local government issues, as part of its ‘Business Regulation Benchmarking: Role of Local Government as Regulator’ Commissioned Study. It includes...

Submission to the Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians

The Business Council of Australia strongly supports actions to close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous opportunity and acknowledge the important role that constitutional recognition could play in achieving this. Recognition of Indigenous heritage and culture in the Australian Constitution...

Submission to the Joint Select Committee Inquiry into Australia’s Clean Energy Future

The Business Council of Australia has worked with successive governments in an effort to design workable polices for Australia that address risks associated with climate change. With both political parties committed to a reduction in greenhouse gases of -5% in...

Submission to Infrastructure Australia on Infrastructure Financing Reform

The BCA has lodged a submission to the Infrastructure Finance Working Group, an advisory body established to provide advice to Infrastructure Australia on infrastructure finance policy issues.  The submission argues the availability of private finance for infrastructure investment is largely...

Submission on the Clean Energy Legislative Package

The submission has been drafted in consultation with a number of staff from member companies and the Sustainable Growth Task Force. The submission calls for additional safeguards to be included in the legislation so as to allow for the modification...

Submission to the Minister for Workplace Relations Seeking Amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009

In May 2011, Business Council of Australia Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott sent a letter to the Minister for Workplace Relations seeking amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009. The submission reflected feedback received from BCA member companies during a series of...

Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Disability Care and Support

The Business Council of Australia supports the establishment of a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) as proposed by the Productivity Commission’s draft report on disability care and support. If implemented effectively and accompanied by structural changes to the market for...

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on Strategic Priorities for Energy Market Development

The submission argues that there must be a continuing focus on an efficient and effective energy market that is geared to meet the substantial investment task ahead. This will require the disciplined and timely implementation of the energy market reform agenda under...

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