2011 Submissions
Submission regarding the Treasury’s ‘Designing a Tax System Advisory Board’ Discussion Paper

The proposal for an oversight board for the Australian Taxation Office came out of the Henry review. We believe that a properly constituted oversight board could play a very important role in helping the ATO meet the community’s legitimate expectations...

Submission to the House of Representatives Inquiry into the Role and Potential of the National Broadband Network

The submission argues that realising potential benefits from fixed and wireless broadband services requires a competitive and efficient communications sector that provides accessible and high-quality broadband products at least cost to consumers. The government’s current policy settings should demonstrably achieve...

Submission on the National Health Reform Amendment (National Health Performance Authority) Bill 2011

This submission reiterates the key points made by the Business Council of Australia to the Senate Community Affairs Committee when they were inquiring into the first of these bills. First, the BCA considers the need for health reform to be urgent...

Submission to the Department of Infrastructure and Transport on National Urban Policy

This submission highlights the importance of integrated strategic cities planning systems, effective federal–state relations and rigorous assessment of projects for successfully managing the growth of our cities.  Consistent with the BCA’s sustainable population strategy, it calls for a leadership on Australia’s...

Submission regarding the Government Response to the Report of the Prime Minister’s Task Group on Energy Efficiency

This submission argues that it would be premature to recommend an energy efficiency obligation without a comprehensive consultation process, detailed modelling and costing, and a regulatory impact assessment. The BCA has previously outlined its principle that energy efficiency policies should...

Submission on the Development of Australia’s Sustainable Population Strategy

The Business Council of Australia’s vision is to make this country the best place in the world in which to live, learn, work and do business. Our view is that the main purpose of developing a national population strategy is...

Letter to the Minister for Climate Change and Water regarding the BCA Energy Efficiency Policy Principles

June 2010 The Chairman of the BCA Sustainable Growth Task Force wrote to Senator Penny Wong, Minister for Climate Change and Water, outlining the BCA energy efficiency policy principles. The letter was written to the minister following a briefing to the BCA task force...

Submission to the Department of Infrastructure and Transport on Reforming Australia’s Shipping

Coastal shipping services are an important part of Australia’s transport, distribution and logistics sector. The cost and availability of shipping services is an important factor determining the competitiveness of Australian firms operating in global markets. The BCA recommends that the...

Submission regarding the Corporations Amendment (Improving Accountability on Director and Executive Remuneration) Bill 2011

In this submission we have concentrated on the “two-strikes test” and the “no vacancy” rule, which we oppose. We have also raised a number of serious concerns with how the new provisions relating to the accountability of remuneration consultants will...

Submission on the Competition and Consumer Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2011

This submission argues that, overall, while the Business Council of Australia appreciates and understands the government’s concern to ensure that our markets operate in a way that is open, transparent and effective, in practice we do not believe the approach taken...

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