2011 Submissions
Submission to the Review of Funding for Schooling

This submission, to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, outlines a number of priorities for the reform of school funding arrangements that will support improved workforce participation, productivity growth and opportunities for individual Australians, including: developing funding models...

Submission to the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit Inquiry into National Funding Agreements

The submission states the Business Council of Australia has consistently supported efforts to keep the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agenda and associated funding agreements tightly focused on efforts to lift the productive capacity of the economy, while encouraging flexibility...

Submission regarding Proposed Price Signalling Amendments to the Competition and Consumer Act

This submission relates to the price signalling legislation that is currently before the parliament. There are currently two Bills: one introduced by the government and another introduced by the Coalition. The BCA’s position on this legislation has been that providing...

Submission to the Government on Carbon Pricing Policy

The BCA has responded to an invitation to lodge a submission to the federal government on issues with the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) design of 2009, given the government’s plans to use this as a basis of its current...

Submission to the Review of Higher Education Base Funding

Australia’s higher education sector is increasingly important in an environment where productivity is lagging and there is growing demand for people with tertiary qualifications. At the same time, many universities are facing funding pressures that have implications for both excellence...

Submission to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Strategic Review of the Student Visa Program

In a bid to see Australia’s international education sector encouraged to grow sustainably into the future based on the provision of high-quality and relevant education services, the Business Council of Australia has lodged a submission to the current review of...

Submission to the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission Inquiry into Victoria’s Regulatory Framework

This submission, to the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission, highlights previous Business Council of Australia assessments of the regulation-making processes of Australia’s states and territories, most recently its 2010 Scorecard of Red Tape Reform. The submission discusses the Victorian-based Business...

Clawback of Executive Remuneration where Financial Statements Are Materially Misstated

The BCA has lodged a submission with the Treasury in relation to its discussion paper titled The Clawback of Executive Remuneration where Financial Statements Are Materially Misstated. The discussion paper examines whether there should be changes to make it easier...

Submission to Safe Work Australia on the Draft Model Work Health and Safety Regulations and Model Codes of Practice

This submission outlines a number of high-level issues including the importance of efforts to develop a harmonised national occupational health and safety framework to apply across Australia. The complexity and inconsistent operation of current legislation across the country is a...

Submission to the Minister for Employment Participation on the Review of Employment Services

This submission, to the Honourable Kate Ellis, Minister for Employment Participation, outlines a number of suggestions relating to the government’s review of the employment services. It argues that multiple barriers require multifaceted interventions, collaborative action and new governance. The submission...

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