The Business Council of Australia (BCA) welcomes the opportunity to provide the Government with comments to inform the development of the Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040. As the countries of Southeast Asia continue to develop and grow, this presents...
There is a need for a fundamental reset of the migration system with a focus on lifting Australia’s productivity. This must be done by putting the need to build the nation’s human capital at the forefront of the system. The...
The BCA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the proposed mandatory gas code of conduct to guide behaviour in the market. The BCA acknowledges the need to address current energy prices rises using well targeted subsidy measures and supports the...
We support the establishment of the National Reconstruction Fund. The establishment of the $15 billion fund will be an important step towards diversifying and transforming Australia’s industries and economy. This submission sets out the key principles that must guide investments...
The Business Council of Australia welcomes the opportunity to engage with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water on the National Energy Performance Strategy Consultation Paper. Improving energy performance (the demand side) is as important as improving...