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Submission on Business eInvoicing Right
04 March 2022
The Treasury is seeking views on further options to support business eInvoicing adoption. This includes through the introduction of a Business eInvoicing Right (BER) and helping businesses to integrate eInvoicing into their other business practices (such as procure-to-pay and encouraging the adoption of Peppol-compatible networks).
Overall, we support further measures that will encourage businesses – large, medium and small – to adopt eInvoicing. Businesses are ready to support government to encourage business adoption of eInvoicing.
This submission outlines some of the areas we consider government could clarify and our suggested approach. We understand the government’s intention with this proposal and look forward to continuing to work closely with the government to develop a scheme that supports the adoption of eInvoicing without imposing inefficiencies and unnecessary costs. We also look forward to working with government to support the take-up of eInvoicing, both through this process and in other forums.
You can read the full submission here.