Response to the ACCC consumer data right rules framework

The Business Council welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Consumer Data Right (CDR) Rules Framework released by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). The ACCC’s CDR rules are an important component of the overall design of the CDR,...

Response to revised draft legislation for the Consumer Data Right

The Business Council supports the concept of a Consumer Data Right (CDR) but the previous draft of the CDR legislation raised, in our view, serious risks to business innovation and investment in data, Australia’s competitiveness and – most importantly –...

Constitutional Recognition: Supplementary submission to the joint select committee

The Business Council of Australia has a longstanding commitment to enhance economic development for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (in this report referred to as Indigenous) peoples. This work is led by the Business Council’s Indigenous Engagement Task Force, which...

Submission on Australian-European Union FTA negotiations

This submission provides the Business Council of Australia’s views on the Australia–European Union Free Trade Agreement (A–EU FTA) negotiations, including our suggestions on desirable objectives for the negotiations. The Business Council appreciates that any free trade agreement (FTA) is a...

Submission to the response to the treasury laws amendment (Consumer Data Right) Bill 2018

The Business Council supports giving consumers greater access and control over their personal and transaction data. The concept of a Consumer Data Right (CDR) was recommended by the Productivity Commission and Open Banking Review, to allow consumers the right to...

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