Submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Options for the Kyoto Protocol Compliance System
17 February 2003
The Business Council of Australia is a signatory to the cross-industry Australian Industry Greenhouse Network (AIGN) submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade discussion paper titled Climate Change: Options for the Kyoto Protocol Compliance System.
The AIGN included the:
- Australian Aluminium Council
- Australian Automobile Association
- Australian Coal Association
- Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association
- Business Council of Australia
- Cement Industry Federation
- Electricity Supply Association of Australia
- Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries
- Minerals Council of Australia
- Plastics and Chemical Industries Association
- Pulp and Paper Manufacturers Federation of Australia.
The submission contends that all proposals for the compliance system need to ensure they are least cost, simple, equitable, facilitative and promote the achievement of the Kyoto Protocol’s reduction commitments.
While supporting the government’s two-stage approach to the general Kyoto Protocol compliance system, the submission states that the system will need to primarily rely on the presumption of good faith of all parties involved.