Submissions to the Senate Inquiry into the Effectiveness of the Trade Practices Act 1974 in Protecting Small Business

03 September 2003

This is the Business Council of Australia submission to the Senate Economic References Committee inquiry into whether the Trade Practices Act (TPA) 1974 adequately protects small business from anti-competitive or unfair conduct.

The submission states that at this stage, there is no compelling evidence to justify specific legislative amendment to the TPA to protect small business from anti-competitive or unfair conduct.

The legislative measures already in place should provide all businesses with adequate and effective protection.

Where concerns are warranted, they are better addressed in the form of other measures or initiatives rather than legislative amendments, which could undermine the very architecture and purpose of the TPA.

Accordingly, the submission encourages all governments to continue with programs that support small business, rather than legislative restrictions on competition from larger businesses.

In January 2004 the Business Council of Australia made an additional submission to the inquiry, specifically in relation to the Rural Press Case.

Submissions to the Senate Inquiry on the Effectiveness of the Trade Practices Act 1974


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2003 Submissions