Key parts of the proposed CLERP 9 legislation will continue to be strongly opposed by big business on the basis that they are counter to sound company performance, good corporate governance and long-term shareholder interests. The proposals would effectively subject...
This is the Business Council of Australia submission to the Senate Economic References Committee inquiry into whether the Trade Practices Act (TPA) 1974 adequately protects small business from anti-competitive or unfair conduct. The submission states that at this stage, there...
This Business Council of Australia submission to the Productivity Commission is in respect of national frameworks for workers’ compensation and occupational health and safety. It is made in response to the Productivity Commission issues paper titled National Workers’ Compensation and...
The Business Council considers that the overall economic picture is one of solid growth in national output, although we would inject a note of caution reflecting the outlook for housing investment and continued global uncertainties. There may be more downside...
The Business Council of Australia welcomes the Council of Australian Governments Energy Market Review Draft Report Towards a Truly National and Efficient Energy Market (also known as the Parer draft report) and appreciates the opportunity to provide comment. In this...
Following on from its work at the National Innovation Summit, the Business Council of Australia continues to advocate for strong national leadership to encourage innovation and to spread its benefits. Our competitors are rising to this task, and in order...
This is a joint submission by the Business Council of Australia and the Corporate Tax Association to the Board of Taxation Review of International Taxation Arrangements. The submission argues that Australia’s international taxation system is retarding its ability to participate...
The Business Council of Australia is strongly supportive of the Workplace Relations Amendment Bill 2000 because it supports workplace agreements being reached in non-adversarial environments through a consensual and constructive approach. We have consistently advocated an enterprise focus to workplace...
The Business Council of Australia is a signatory to the cross-industry Australian Industry (AIGN) Greenhouse Network submissions to the Australian Greenhouse Office on issues raised in the National Emissions Trading: Establishing the Boundaries discussion paper. The AIGN included the: Australian...
The Business Council of Australia is a signatory to the Australian Industry Greenhouse Network (AIGN) submission to the Senate Inquiry into Australia’s Response to Global Warming October 1999. The AIGN included the: Australian Aluminium Council Australian Automobile Association Australian...