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Speech by BCA President Tony Shepherd to the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce
04 April 2012
Speech by Tony Shepherd, President of the Business Council of Australia to the Australia–Israel Chamber of Commerce (AICC) in Sydney on 4 April 2012 titled ‘We May Never Have Had It So Good, But We Could Be Great: A Plan to Lock in Australia’s Prosperity’.
Australia is a great country.
But we are now playing in a much more competitive game ...
In a constantly changing world, the premium has to be on quantum changes, quantum leaps, and leaders are the instruments by which such changes occur.
Elements of leadership are latent in us all. But more often than not, those elements come by way of inspiration.
By a vision, that lifts us up and inspires us to do great things.
It is my strong sense that Australians, young and old, are hungry for such vision and leadership, with the promise of a bright future for current and future generations.