Reports and papers
Improving employment outcomes for people with disability

With a range of skills and experiences, people with disability represent one of Australia’s greatest underrepresented talent pools. However, Australia has one of the lowest employment rates for people with disability in the OECD sitting at 21 out of 29...

Migration makes Australia stronger

Migration is an essential element in the success of Australia. In an economic sense, young skilled migrants help manage our otherwise ageing population, fill critical skills and labour shortages, and bring new ideas and international connections to help power the...

Open letter urging the government to be clear on its industrial relations plans

Australia’s leading business groups, representing the employers of millions of people, are gravely concerned that the government’s planned industrial relations changes will endanger jobs and do nothing to increase wages while handing unions unprecedented new powers. We are today urging...

A framework for women’s economic advancement and national prosperity

Our economic growth, competitive advantage, and future prosperity rests on our capacity to address workforce participation issues. Increasing the workforce participation of women is one of our nation’s biggest economic and social opportunities. Equally, ensuring we are maximising our talent...

Housing Australia’s Talent

Housing is an essential underpinning of society. As a nation, we must ensure there are sufficient dwellings to address the needs of every resident. Business is directly involved in the housing market through the provision of new supply, and it...

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