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Pipeline or Pipe Dream: Securing Australia’s Investment Future
07 June 2012
The Business Council of Australia has released a study titled Pipeline or Pipe Dream? Securing Australia’s Investment Future, which highlights how important the effective delivery of major projects will be to the future shape and health of the economy and living standards.
It reinforces that Australia’s massive pipeline of investment is much broader than the resources sector.
The story of Australia’s massive investment pipeline is really about an economy-wide investment boom, not just a mining boom, but what is clear is this investment is far from assured.
Australia is becoming a high-cost place to invest, and low labour productivity compared to other nations has reduced the competitiveness of our project delivery.
This is not only placing future projects at risk but is also undermining the efficiency of existing projects, which could mean less money for subsequent investment and lower tax revenue impacting the whole community.
What is at stake is the opportunity to transform our cities, regions and communities through economic and social infrastructure, job creation, skills development, and growing government revenues to provide quality services to our ageing population.
Background research commissioned by the Business Council of Australia and referred to within the study can be downloaded here.
Download: Pipeline or Pipe Dream? Securing Australia's Investment Future: Overview
Download: Pipeline or Pipe Dream? Securing Australia's Investment Future: Overview and Full Study