Opportunity for All: Joint Statement on ACOSS, ACTU and BCA cooperation

04 December 2012

Joint Statement on ACOSS, ACTU and BCA Cooperation

The Business Council of Australia, the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) released a joint statement outlining how the three organisations will cooperate on initiatives to tackle entrenched disadvantage.

The joint statement, Opportunity for All, outlines how the three peak bodies will collaborate on providing employment opportunities for Australians who are disadvantaged in the labour market and giving employers access to workers who meet their skills needs.

Among other activities, the organisations will:

  • convene an expert roundtable to discuss best practice polices that support ‘demand-led’ employment assistance for disadvantaged jobseekers
  • investigate options for better linking of pre-employment training initiatives with demand-led approaches
  • host a forum to explore the importance of reducing inequality and entrenched disadvantage for Australia’s future economic growth and prosperity.

Download: Opportunity for All - joint statement on ACOSS, ACTU and BCA cooperation.


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