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How Do We Recapture the Longer-Term View of Infrastructure: Speech by Rod Pearse to the ADC–BCA Summit
19 October 2005
In this speech to the Australian Davos Connection–Business Council of Australia Summit, ‘Investment and Innovation: Australia’s Future’, the Chairman of the BCA Sustainable Growth Task Force, Rod Pearse, argues that a national infrastructure reform agenda is critical to ensuring impediments to growth are removed.
In his address, titled ‘How Do We Recapture the Longer-Term View of Infrastructure?’, Rod Pearse argues that for this to occur:
- business cannot stand by and watch the debate be sidetracked
- regular audits of Australia’s key infrastructure are needed
- the benefits need to continue to be experienced by business, the community and governments across Australia.
He says that a national integrated infrastructure reform agenda, which the BCA has consistently advocated, is the most workable solution and should be embraced by all levels of government.
Speech by Rod Pearse to the Australian Davos Connection–Business Council of Australia Summit