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Submissions on Legislation for the National Broadband Network
04 August 2009
The government’s legislative framework for the National Broadband Network raises competition policy issues, including issues of competitive neutrality between government-owned and private businesses.
These submissions reflect the views in the BCA's initial submission on the National Broadband Network (NBN).
The NBN has potential to contribute to innovation, productivity and economic growth, but it is important to demonstrate that its benefits outweigh its costs. The government’s legislative framework for the National Broadband Network raises competition policy issues, including issues of competitive neutrality between government-owned and private businesses.
The first submission is to the Department of Broadband on the legislative framework for the governance of the NBN and outlines key matters to consider in the development of the legislative framework.
The second submission is to a Senate Committee on the proposed amendments to the Telecommunications Act that require network operators and utilities to provide information to the government and potentially to the NBN company itself.