Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Workplace Relations Amendment Bill 2000
19 May 2000
The Business Council of Australia is strongly supportive of the Workplace Relations Amendment Bill 2000 because it supports workplace agreements being reached in non-adversarial environments through a consensual and constructive approach.
We have consistently advocated an enterprise focus to workplace relations, where wages and conditions of employment are genuinely negotiated between parties at the workplace or enterprise level.
The submission argues that while this Bill does not tackle necessary structural reform, it provides a small and important number of initiatives to enhance the achievement of some of the original policy objectives of the Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1996, and solutions to broadly recognised problems that require legislative attention.
Access the Business Council of Australia Submission to the Senate Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business and Education Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Workplace Relations Amendment Bill 2000 here.