Submission to DEEWR regarding Changes to the Indigenous Employment Program Assessment and Funding Processes

30 April 2013

The Business Council of Australia has made a submission to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations regarding changes to the Indigenous Employment Program (IEP) assessment and funding processes.
The IEP is a critical and proven mechanism for business and government co-investment in closing the Indigenous employment gap. The submission argues that while training and job-readiness gaps persist, educational outcomes are poor and the JSA system is weak, the availability of the IEP to support business in building bridges to employment remains vital.
IEP-supported programs have helped businesses significantly boost their Indigenous workforces, and the BCA recommends that DEEWR expand the program to meet increasing employer demand and encourage the growth of successful programs.

Submission to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations regarding Changes to the Indigenous Employment Program Assessment and Funding Processes



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