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Restoring a High-Performing Public Service: Speech by BCA CEO Jennifer Westacott to the IPAA 2012 International Congress
20 September 2012
Speech by Business Council of Australia Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott to the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) 2012 International Congress on 20 September 2012 in Melbourne.
I come here today with understanding and respect for what you do, having worked for much of my professional life within the public sector – in senior positions and across different portfolios.
In the private sector, I’ve worked in a direct delivery role and as a partner within a professional services firm.
And now, in running the Business Council of Australia, I have an incredible insight across the entire economy and of different sets of issues.
I’ve thought a lot about this presentation. I’ve talked to friends and colleagues in both sectors.
And I’ve been thinking back over my own career and reflecting on the fact that some of the things I did as a public servant remain the things that have given me the most enduring pride.
So what I want to do today, is to talk to this group very frankly about restoring precious things about the civil service. Things that I am deeply concerned are being lost.
And I want to put forward some steps to restore them – some for the parliament and political parties, and some that are down to you.
At the congress, Jennifer Westacott released a new BCA guide titled Policy Essentials: Standards for Rule Making. It is the second in a series of practical resources to be released by the Business Council of Australia to help promote good public policy governance and practice in Australia.