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Reforms to early childhood education system critical to Australia’s economic success
24 November 2023
The Business Council of Australia welcomes the release of the Productivity Commission’s interim report on early childhood education and care.
Business Council Chief Executive Bran Black said a comprehensive approach was needed to improve the childcare system, to support families, increase the opportunity for women to participate in the workforce and lift the economy.
“Having a world class early childhood education system is critical to Australia’s economic success,” Mr Black said.
“We need to address the barriers to participation such as affordability and the complexity of the system to ensure children are supported at a critical stage of their development.”
Mr Black said the current system was creating roadblocks to workforce participation which was adding pressure to our nationwide labour shortages.
“We need an education system which reflects the needs of a modern family and in turn we will see a significant economic dividend across our economy.
“We will continue to advocate for an affordable, accessible early childhood education system with a skilled workforce and a cohesive, evidence-based national agenda.
“The BCA will continue to pursue policies which drive Australia’s future prosperity, improve the economic outcomes for women and the education of our children.”