Fresh Approaches to Communication Between Companies and Their Shareholders
28 September 2004
The Business Council of Australia has released a discussion paper outlining a number of new approaches Australia’s listed companies might adopt to strengthen or improve their communication and interaction with shareholders.
The paper, Fresh Approaches to Communication Between Companies and Their Shareholders, was produced as a catalyst for debate for companies, shareholders and market commentators into the coming AGM season.
Developed by the BCA’s Chairmen’s Panel, the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and Chartered Secretaries Australia (CSA), the paper identifies ways companies and shareholders can strengthen or review the way they communicate and interact. The Australian Shareholders’ Association was also consulted in the development of the paper.
The paper recognises that many of the current practices such as AGMs may need to be rethought or re-energised due to the increase in the number of shareholders, the heightened level of interest in and expectation of the performance of listed companies and the advent of new information and communication technologies.
Read the full news release here or download the paper here.
Fresh Approaches to Communication Between Companies and Their Shareholders (news release)
Fresh Approaches to Communication Between Companies and Their Shareholders