2019 Election
20 May 2019
The Business Council congratulates the Prime Minister and his team on the re-election of the Liberal-National Coalition Government.
“We look forward to working with the government to drive even higher living standards for all Australians by continuing to grow the Australian economy and maintaining budget discipline,’’ Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott said.
“We need to continue to do everything we can to restore business confidence so employers can get on with the job of delivering higher wages and new jobs across Australia, particularly in our regions.
“We support efforts that continue to drive Australia’s competitiveness and attract much needed investment.
“Australians want sensible solutions to increase wages, drive down energy prices, deal with climate change, and give them the skills they need.
“The business community, which employs 11 million of the 13 million working Australians, stands ready to continue to work with the government, the parliament, and the broader community.
“It is important that the parliament works constructively with the government to deliver a stronger budget and stronger economy.
“Australians want a united country.
“Now is the time to end the anti-business rhetoric and do all we can to ensure that all Australians, particularly those in the regions, have the opportunity to get ahead.”
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