2006 Submissions
Submission on Priorities for a Free Trade Agreement with China

Looser capital controls, eliminating restrictions on particular services and greater tax and decision-making transparency are key priorities to be negotiated in any free trade agreement between Australia and China. Services, Investment and Intellectual Property in the China–Australia FTA  

Submission to the Productivity Commission Study on Public Support for Science and Innovation

The BCA strongly supports government policies aimed at enhancing innovation success in technological research-based breakthrough innovation, in particular policies which build a strong science and research base in the public sector. In examining what innovation involves and how it is...

Submission to the COAG Energy Reform Implementation Group

Australia’s major companies have called for a number of major shortfalls in the nation’s electricity network to be addressed in a BCA submission to COAG's new national energy reform group. The submission, to the COAG Energy Reform Implementation Group (ERIG), calls...

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