Submission to the COAG Energy Reform Implementation Group

11 December 2006

Australia’s major companies have called for a number of major shortfalls in the nation’s electricity network to be addressed in a BCA submission to COAG's new national energy reform group.

The submission, to the COAG Energy Reform Implementation Group (ERIG), calls on governments to:

  • Significantly improve transmission planning and make it nationally based.
  • Allow for the consistent inclusion of competition benefits in the current regulatory test
    for transmission investment.
  • Improve the firmness of interregional financial trades.
  • Move away from state-based regions in the national electricity market for settling prices.
  • Regions must reflect market needs rather than political boundaries.
  • Remove government market interventions such as the Electricity Tariff Equalisation Fund (ETEF).
  • Not allow one company to own both transmission and generation assets.
  • Ensure common and predictable greenhouse policies across Australia.
  • Create a more liquid and transparent gas market with more effective financial investments.

Submission to the Energy Reform Implementation Group


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