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Submission regarding the Emissions Reduction Fund Terms of Reference
19 November 2013
The Business Council of Australia has lodged a submission with the Department of the Environment regarding the design of the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).
Australia needs a comprehensive and coherent national energy policy that drives the development of our energy resources, supports a strong energy export industry, and provides for the secure, reliable and efficient delivery of competitively priced energy to households and businesses.
This submission considers five matters in light of the BCA’s energy and climate change position:
- the proposed role of the Productivity Commission in the design of the Direct Action policy
- the governance arrangements for the ERF
- the criteria that should be considered in determining whether a project is eligible for the ERF
- the issues to be addressed in the design and operation of a mechanism applying to emissions above a baseline
- the role of the 2015 review of the ERF.