Submission in Response to the Business Tax Working Group Discussion Paper

28 September 2012

The Business Council of Australia has made a submission responding to the discussion paper issued by the Business Tax Working Group in August 2012.

The submission incorporates a paper commissioned by the Business Council from Deloitte Access Economics titled ‘Options for Company Tax Reform’.

The submission has rejected the options put forward to fund a cut in the company income tax rate and called on the government to roll the findings of the group into a 10-year reform process.

The process ought to build on the work of the Henry review and involve the whole community in considering all taxes with the goal of achieving a more competitive and efficient, future-focused system that raises enough revenue for Australia's needs.

Submission in Response to the Business Tax Working Group Discussion Paper

Preparing for a Better Future: Progressing Comprehensive Tax Reform in Australia (October 2011)

Five High-level Principles for Taxation Reform

Unrealised Gains: The Competitive Possibilities of Tax Reform

Initial Submission to the Australia's Future Tax System Review


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