Responsibility Now on Business to Make Industrial Relations Changes Work: BCA President
08 December 2005
New workplace relations reforms passed last week placed a significant responsibility on business to use the changes in ways that strengthen the economy and in turn, benefit the broader community, Business Council of Australia President, Mr Michael Chaney, said today.
Mr Chaney said now the changes had gained Parliament’s approval, it was incumbent on all businesses – and particularly Australia’s largest employers – to use the changes in a responsible and productive way to grow the economy.
In a letter sent to all BCA companies, which employ nearly one million Australians and account for 30 per cent of Australia’s exports, Mr Chaney has urged large business to make every effort to incorporate the new round of reforms to improve competitiveness.
“Business, including BCA, has been urging federal and state governments to support these changes because they have correctly identified them as vital to Australia’s future prosperity,” Mr Chaney said.
“The changes will help reverse a significant decline in Australia’s productivity.
“Business must use the new workplace relations environment to positive effect – to increase productivity and maximise the economic benefits flowing from these changes to the community.”
Mr Chaney said that in a global economy, Australia would constantly need to evolve and adapt to change.
As the last 20 years have shown, micro-economic reform has led to a significant improvement in the performance of the Australian economy, which has resulted in increased prosperity for the wider community.
“Past reforms have generated more growth, more jobs and more opportunities for Australians.
“Business now has the opportunity to utilise the latest workplace reforms to build on that success.”
Mr Chaney said that to maximise the benefits of workplace reforms, Australia needed to continue to move forward on reforms in taxation, infrastructure and regulation.