Initial Submission to the Australia’s Future Tax System Review
20 October 2008
Initial Submission to the Henry review of Australia’s Future Tax System
Tax reform is central to Australia’s long-term prosperity.
Policy frameworks must be set with an eye towards long-term strategic growth and flexibility, so that we can benefit from integration in global markets and economies.
Included in this submission to the Australia’s Future Tax System Review, led by Ken Henry, is a discussion of:
- Australia’s major challenges
- the features of an effective tax system
- problems with the current tax system
- addressing the problems of the current tax system.
In June 2009, the BCA made its second and final submission to the Henry review, titled Unrealised Gains: The Competitive Possibilities of Tax Reform, which set out a long-term vision for tax reform to drive economic growth.
Initial Submission to the Australia’s Future Tax System Review
Attachment 1: A Better Tax Return: Reconsidering the Role of Australia’s Tax System
Attachment 2: Anticipating Success: BCA Submission to the Australia 2020 Summit