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Industry Growth Centres Are Key to Our Competitiveness
18 February 2015
“The establishment of the government’s Industry Growth Centres goes to the very heart of how Australia will build competitiveness in the face of major global forces of change,” BCA Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott said.
“Today’s announcement of the Growth Centres Advisory Committee and Chairs for three of the Industry Growth Centres will help progress this important initiative. We welcome the opportunity to contribute through BCA President Catherine Livingstone, who will serve as a member of the independent Advisory Committee.
“The growth centres, announced as part of the government's Industry Innovation and Competitiveness Agenda, will be a driving force of innovation in the Australian economy. They will serve as clearing houses for new ideas and remove roadblocks for turning good ideas into commercial and scalable realities.
“The centres should build on the achievements of the previous government’s innovation precincts by fostering collaboration that would not happen otherwise, and help Australian industry tap into the best our research sector has to offer.
“Advanced manufacturing, food and agribusiness, and mining services are sectors where Australia can compete on a global scale and where there are significant opportunities. The growth centres will provide a much better environment for determining the mix and direction of the R&D effort required for each of the nominated sectors.
“Innovation will be the main driver of economic growth in Australia and underpin job creation and living standards into the future. This requires deep, ongoing collaboration between government, businesses, the research community and individual Australians.
“These Industry Growth Centres can provide a critical vehicle for achieving this innovation-led growth,” Ms Westacott said.
For further information contact:
Scott Thompson, Director, Media and Public Affairs
Business Council of Australia
Telephone (03) 8664 2664 • Mobile 0403 241 128