Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, business has done everything it can to keep their workers safe and employed and protect the health of the community.
The Business Council of Australia is backing a new coordinated business campaign to keep people safe as the economy starts to reopen by making sure we are all ‘good to go’.
Good to Go is about starting Australia up again, finding the road out - getting yourself, your business and the economy moving.
Businesses, both big and small, have been busy adapting their workplaces and processes to ensure they are COVIDSafe. Safe Work Australia has also published return to work guidelines for businesses to follow, but that is not all of the solution. It is now up to each of us as individuals – either as customers, employers, employees or suppliers – to play our part, and that means following those three simple steps.
The Good to Go campaign provides the entire business community with a coordinated voice that allows us to get three simple health messages out to our teams.
By doing this, we can have confidence that it is safe to go back to work, go to the shops and get the country moving again.
By continuing to follow the advice of health officials, Good to Go means we can all do our part in protecting the health and safety of workers, customers, and suppliers as COVID-19 restrictions ease.
We are encouraging all employers to join the Good to Go campaign and share these important messages with their teams.
Join the campaign
1. Promote Good to Go on your social media platforms using free assets here.
2. Download the COVIDSafe App.