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Business helps build local resilience
10 December 2022
The official opening of the Cobargo Innovation Hub, a joint community and BizRebuild initiative, is another step in the region’s recovery from devastating bushfires in 2019/20.
The Business Council’s BizRebuild initiative supported by the Community Rebuilding Trust joined with the community in 2020 to kick start the project with an $880,000 grant from the business community.
The Hub is the first commercial property of its type, constructed by Australian innovator FlowForm using bushfire resilient design and materials, Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott said.
“This is what business does best, working together to get on with it and get communities back on their feet. “We know businesses are the glue that keep communities together because they provide opportunities and keep local economies going, so we’re proud to help deliver this project.
“The Hub is designed to attract new businesses to the region, house vital community amenities and provide premises for those who need them.
“We hope the Hub stands as a symbol of the strength, persistence and courage of this incredible community,” Ms Westacott said.
For the community the official opening of the Hub is a chance to celebrate the hard work that delivered the project and open the door to hope and continuity, said Shona Taranto, Chairperson of the Cobargo Quaama Business Recovery Group.
“This project represents growth and renewal for our town, delivering new hope after the loss and devastation of the bushfires.
“With a little hard work, collaboration and good will we are creating new possibilities and opportunities with tailored initiatives that provide immediate relief and lasting benefits for the community.
“It’s a vital initiative and the local business recovery group has been greatly humbled and appreciative of the opportunity to work with the BizRebuild Team,” Ms Taranto said.
You can read more background about this project and the BizRebuild initiative here.