BCA Submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry to Early Childhood Education and Care
06 March 2024
Preparing and caring for our future generations, while supporting more adults into the workforce, is critical to our future prosperity. This is why the Business Council of Australia (BCA) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Productivity Commission (PC)'s draft report on Early Childhood and Care (ECEC).
Our economy depends on our capacity to address workforce participation issues. These include the adaptability of that workforce, increasing women's participation and overall productivity and innovation.
The BCA has consistently called for a 21st century childcare and early education system that caters to the needs of a modern family. The provision of an affordable, accessible and quality childcare system is fundamental to our nation's success. It plays a critical role in parents’ decisions about workforce participation, the ability of women to progress and advance in their careers, and the productivity and adaptability of the future workforce.