BCA 2014 Indigenous Engagement Survey Report
16 December 2014
The Business Council of Australia's 2014 Indigenous Engagement Survey Report shows companies are continuing to explore and find new ways of supporting Indigenous economic and social inclusion.
While employment remains a focus, more and more companies are involved in a broad range of activities, including cadetships, microfinance, and setting up joint ventures with Indigenous businesses.
The report presents these activities, highlighting areas where companies and partner Indigenous organisations are developing innovative approaches to improve outcomes in education, employment, and economic and community development.
Key findings from the survey show that in 2014:
Over 15,000 Indigenous Australians are working at BCA companies.
- $1.7 billion was spent with Indigenous enterprises and joint ventures.
- $72 million was contributed towards Indigenous education initiatives.
- 100,000 pro bono hours was provided to Indigenous organisations and communities.
- 85 per cent of companies surveyed have Indigenous engagement activities.
- All companies with a workforce of over 20,000 have an Indigenous engagement strategy and 95 per cent of companies with more than 5,000 staff have an Indigenous engagement strategy.
- Companies are working with or supporting more than 50 Indigenous partner organisations.=