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2011 Opinion Articles
Remove Racism of a Previous Era from the Heart of our Constitution
The Australian By Graham Bradley Former President, Business Council of Australia In June last year, China’s Vice-President Xi Jinping – the man in line to become the next president of the world’s most populous emerging superpower – came to Canberra...
Chasing the Fast Boat to Asia
The Age By Tony Shepherd President, Business Council of Australia Many Australian businesses exporting to Asia and doing business within Asian markets are succeeding, but they face enormous challenges, not the least of which are highly competitive markets. At the...
Opportunity Is Measure of True Wealth: Edited extract of Jennifer Westacott’s Brotherhood of St Laurence’s Sambell Oration
Edited extract of Jennifer Westacott’s Brotherhood of St Laurence’s Sambell Oration published in The Australian, 24 November 2011 I do not come from the usual background for someone in a business leadership role. But in a country like Australia, or in...
Four Ways in Which the Fair Work Act Is Reducing Productivity
The Australian By Graham Bradley, President, Business Council of Australia The Fair Work Act was introduced to deliver greater fairness and productivity in Australian workplaces. Two years after its introduction, its success in achieving these twin goals is in serious...
With Trade Barriers Reappearing, G20 Leaders Must Get Serious
The Age By John Denton Chairman Business Council of Australia Global Engagement Task Force The meeting of G20 leaders in France this week comes at a critical time for international trade and investment. While the global economy – buffeted by...
We Must Join the Asian Century
The Australian Financial Review By Graham Bradley President, Business Council of Australia The importance of collaboration between business and government in the development of a white paper on Australia in the Asian century was recognised last week in the Prime...
Support for Workers with Disabilities Calls for Three-way Partnership
The Age By Graham Bradley President, Business Council of Australia Improving employment opportunities for people with disabilities is a win-win goal for business and the community sector. Three recent federal government changes to disability-related payments are important steps in helping...
Government Will Be Judged on Productivity
The Australian By Jennifer Westacott Chief Executive, Business Council of Australia When the current federal parliament was formed, with Labor in a minority government position, the Business Council of Australia said a mark of its success would be the extent...
Long Way to Go on Crucial Tax Reform
The Australian Financial Review By Robert Milliner Chairman, former BCA Business Reform Task Force The federal government’s climate change package includes some changes to personal income tax arrangements, but it is important not to confuse climate change policy with tax...
Carbon Decision Must Focus on National Interest
The Australian Financial Review By Jennifer Westacott Chief Executive Business Council of Australia When the government’s carbon pricing policy is released on Sunday, attention will turn to how parliament manages its biggest test since the past election. When the current...