The problems of over-regulation could only be solved by long-term systemic changes and not quick fixes. The comments were outlined in the BCA’s submission to the federal government’s Taskforce on Reducing Regulatory Burdens on Business, which was established to address...
Download the Business Council Submission to the Japan Free Trade Agreement Feasibility Study.Download the Business Council letter to DFAT on Japan Free Trade Agreement Feasibility Study.
Business Council of Australia submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Workplace Relations Amendment (WorkChoices) Bill 2005 can be downloaded here.
The BCA has called for a biennial ‘state of the nation’ audit to assess the adequacy and performance of Australia’s key infrastructure. The BCA has set out the structure and criteria for the audit in a detailed recommendation to the...
A copy of the submission to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee Inquiry into Australia’s Relations with China can be downloaded here.
A copy of the submission to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Inquiry into Balancing Work and Family can be downloaded here.
Sustained population growth is an important element in ensuring Australia’s long-term economic growth and prosperity. Australia’s population – its size, growth and diversity – will have a significant role in driving productivity, innovation and economic growth in the future. In...
Business leaders today called for an action plan for the economy focused on productivity improvements, saying Australia’s strength and resilience as an economy were likely to erode if major reforms were not started quickly. The Business Council of Australia’s federal...
Download the Business Coalition for Tax Reform (BCTR) submission to the Budget.
The BCA has made a submission to the 2006–07 federal budget process, outlining the importance of a strategic economic reform program to Australia’s future prosperity. Download a copy of it here.