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World Business Council for Sustainable Development-BCA Forum Presentations
01 September 2011
The Business Council of Australia co-hosted a forum with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development with the topic ‘The Sustainability Challenge: Business Creativity in Practice’ on 31 August 2011.
The forum conveyed the reality that the sustainability agenda is the natural home of business and called on business to reclaim a common ground, common sense approach to sustainability to achieve outcomes that are good for the community, for the economy and for business.
Key presentations included
- A welcome from Jennifer Westacott, Chief Executive of the Business Council of Australia
- An address on global sustainability developments from World Business Council for Sustainable Development President Bjorn Stigson
- Stockland Managing Director Matthew Quinn presented the business case for sustainability in creating value for both business and the community
- Sustainability programs of BCA member companies: Adelaide Brighton, presented by Ros DeGaris, Commonwealth Bank Australia, presented by Trent Moy and Wesfarmers Ltd, presented by Cameron Schuster
Presentations made publicly available following the forum can be downloaded using the links on this page. The Business Council of Australia is not responsible for presentation content provided by other organisations.
Welcome: Jennifer Westacott, Business Council of Australia
The Business Case for Sustainability Programs: Recent Thinking: Matthew Quinn, Stockland