Event: Bran Black interview with Ross Greenwood, Business Now, Sky NewsSpeakers: Ross Greenwood, host, Business Now; Bran Black, chief executive, Business Council of AustraliaTopics: Industrial relations; inflation; interest rates; trade; China; United States of America E&OE Ross Greenwood, host, Business...
Event: Tim Reed opening remarks to the Senate, Education and Employment Legislation CommitteeSpeaker: Tim Reed, president of the Business Council of AustraliaTopics: Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023 **Check against delivery** Thank you Senator and yes thank you...
Event: Business Council chief economist Stephen Walters interview with Andrew Geoghegan, ausbizSpeakers: Andrew Geoghegan, host, ausbiz; Stephen Walters, chief economist, Business Council of AustraliaTopics: National accounts; RBA; China; economic outlook; housing; migration E&OE Andrew Geoghegan, host, ausbiz: Let's get some...
Event: Jennifer Westacott interview with Laura Jayes, AM Agenda, Sky NewsSpeakers: Laura Jayes, host, AM Agenda; Jennifer Westacott, chief executive, Business Council of AustraliaTopics: Gig economy; industrial relations; Same Job, Same Pay; productivity; casual employment E&OE Laura Jayes, host, AM...
Event: Jennifer Westacott interview with Laura Jayes, AM Agenda, Sky NewsSpeakers: Laura Jayes, host, AM Agenda; Jennifer Westacott, chief executive, Business Council of AustraliaTopics: Gig economy; industrial relations; Same Job, Same Pay; productivity; casual employment E&OE Laura Jayes, host, AM...