Trade agreements to help power-up our economy
27 November 2019
The senate has acted to boost Australia’s economic growth and create new jobs by enabling three new free trade deals with Hong Kong, Peru and Indonesia, Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott said today.
“These deals will open new markets and opportunities for Australian businesses to sell their products to the world, giving them the chance to grow, invest and create new jobs in Australia.
“For regional Australians more trade can mean stronger and more vibrant local communities with new jobs and thriving local businesses.
“We congratulate the government on its efforts to deliver even more of the benefits of free trade to Australians and their families.
“A deal with Indonesia means Australian exporters will have even better access to one of the world’s biggest emerging economies. Businesses that sell more products can grow and that means they can create new jobs.
“Australia is gaining a foothold in Latin America through a new deal with Peru which will give Australian businesses the chance to sell their goods with lower tariffs.
“And a Hong Kong free trade agreement will lock in the positive conditions that already make Hong Kong our fifth largest source of job-creating foreign investment.
“More liberal trade is Australia’s life-blood and helps sustain one in five Australian jobs, these deals will help supercharge that impact.”