Trade agreements a step closer
09 October 2019
The release of the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties’ report into proposed Indonesia-Australia and Hong Kong-Australia free trade agreements brings Australians a step closer to more of the opportunities only freer and more open trade can deliver, Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott said today.
“Trade delivers Australians more choices and greater opportunities. Better access to markets will give Australian businesses the chance to grow, invest and create new jobs. For regional Australians more trade can mean stronger and more vibrant local communities with new jobs and thriving local businesses.
“These agreements will see Australian exporters enjoy better access to markets across a range of goods and services, including agricultural commodities such as livestock feed and industrial products like steel, and services like education and vocational training.
“These agreements will help diversify Australia’s trade and strengthen our economic and cultural relationship with some of our closest and largest neighbours.”