- Globally, champion the rules-based trading system.
- Within Australia, promote a simple, transparent and low-cost environment that facilitates engagement in trade by a broad range of Australian businesses.
- Pursue further trade liberalisation through all available opportunities including bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations, as well as through unilateral reforms to Australian barriers that discourage international trade.
- Support negotiation of World Trade Organization (WTO) plurilateral agreements to liberalise international services trade and promote digital trade and e-commerce, and support important WTO institutions such as the Appellate Body for resolving trade disputes.
- Promote fundamental reform of Australia’s customs regime and introduce a Single Window for government documentation accompanying exports and imports. Promote the digitisation of international trade documentation using new technologies.
- Support further accessions to the Trans-Pacific Partnership-11 by any country prepared to meet its standards.
- Support the conclusion of high-standard free trade agreements with the European Union, Indonesia, India, and other partners, and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.
- Make trade easier, by simplifying and consolidating rules-of-origin arrangements across Australia’s various free trade agreements.
- Support reforms to Australian product standards and compliance regimes by adopting international standards of large and trusted markets.
- Implement a stable and transparent foreign direct investment regime that delivers clear community benefits. Ensure that Australia maintains a ”rules-based” approach to investment.
- Support liberal temporary entry visa arrangements for business executives, professionals and skilled workers, to protect and enhance the international competitiveness of Australian businesses and assist skills acquisition and transfer within the Australian economy.