Time to lock in a sustainable recovery
28 March 2021
As JobKeeper ends, businesses across the economy and of all sizes will need to take the lead when it comes to new job creation, Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott said.
“JobKeeper has been a lifeline, saving tens of thousands of jobs during COVID but it’s now time for the private sector to take over the heavy lifting in the economy.
“That will mean putting in place the right incentives across the whole economy, targeted at businesses of all sizes and in all sectors, to unleash big projects that employ thousands and transform our economy for the future.
“With the recovery gathering pace, the government is right to end JobKeeper while maintaining targeted support for workers in the hardest hit sectors that remain at serious risk.
“We’ll need to closely monitor sectors that are still doing it tough and make sure we’re ready to target assistance to them.
“As more Australians are vaccinated, we can build confidence and create jobs by unwinding the confusing patchwork of restrictions across the country in line with the reduced risk.
“National Cabinet has a role to play. Federal, state and territory leaders need to reassure the community that it’s safe to begin travelling interstate again by adopting a coordinated risk based approach to reopening the economy in line with the vaccine roll-out.
“This needs to go hand-in-hand with measures that drive new investment, making it easier for business to take the baton from government to rehire workers, create new jobs, grow and invest.
“A strong business-led recovery is essential to securing the futures of all Australians.”