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The Great Climate Change Challenge: Speech by BCA President Greig Gailey to the Sydney Institute
27 August 2008
Speech by BCA President Greig Gailey to the Sydney Institute on 27 August 2008
The design, passage and implementation of a national emissions trading scheme is the single most important decision the Rudd Government will make in its first term.
This is an incredibly complex problem, with many difficult aspects. For instance, Ross Garnaut in his report rightly described the dilemma of emissions-intensive, trade-exposed industries, or EITEs, as a “truly dreadful problem”. I would suggest that on a broader scale the implementation of an emissions trading scheme also constitutes a grisly political problem for a government of any persuasion.
The Business Council of Australia is committed to helping the government devise an effective emissions trading scheme. To do this, we need a frank discussion of how to deal with and minimise the real costs which an emissions scheme will impose on the economy.
We are committed to the principle that business should bear some of the burden of that scheme. We are committed to finding opportunities for innovation and new business opportunities.
The Great Climate Change Challenge: speech by Greig Gailey to the Sydney Institute