Targeted approach to support welcome
21 July 2020
Today’s announcement gives businesses the certainty to get on with the task of opening up safely and creating the new jobs we’ll need to fuel our recovery, Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott said.
“We welcome a sensible and targeted approach to phasing out the critical support which has helped keep people connected to their employers and position us for a strong recovery.
“Crucially, today’s decisions recognise that some businesses will need assistance for longer as we adapt and learn to live with this virus.
“Every dollar of taxpayers’ money we spend needs to go to where it is most productive, help the most in need and deliver the greatest value by setting us up to recover. It is absolutely right for the government to take a responsible approach.
“The continuing temporary payment to JobSeeker recipients is welcome, but at the end of the day most people don’t want to be on welfare, they want a job.
“Getting people into jobs will mean giving them the skills they need and ensuring support programs give people a pathway to employment.
“We can’t lose sight of the critical task ahead of us. We will need to create as many as 2 million jobs, a task that took us 10 years before COVID-19.
“People want to get ahead in this country, so we have to create the jobs that will allow them to do it.”