Migration plays an integral role in Australia’s success. Economic growth has slowed to a crawl in Australia and without population growth (largely driven by migration), Australia would technically be in recession. Migrants also boost the labour productivity of Australian born...
The Business Council of Australia (BCA) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Statutory Review of the Meetings and Documents Amendments consultation. The BCA strongly supported the original temporary measures and subsequent permanent measures to amend the Corporations Act...
The Business Council of Australia's membership ranges across the economy, with many sectors that have a direct involvement in EPBC assessment and approvals processes. The BCA has been engaged with the reform of the EPBC Act for a number of...
The Business Council of Australia welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Sustainable Finance Institute’s Australian Sustainable Finance Taxonomy Public Consultation Paper (V0.1). We welcome the development of a Sustainable Finance Taxonomy as an opportunity to further enable Australia...
The international student sector is our fourth largest export industry, worth $48 billion in 2023. It provides considerable income for businesses, delivers higher revenues to governments, supports universities to offer high-quality education for domestic students, is critical to maintaining our...