Submission to the Senate Inquiry into management and assurance of integrity by consulting services

The Business Council of Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Senate Inquiry into management and assurance of integrity by consulting services. All government procurement contracts should be committed to and undertaken judiciously to ensure value for...

2024-25 pre-budget submission

Australia has long been an enviable place to do business and has attracted a wide variety of investment. While we are facing ongoing inflation pressures, our budget is in surplus for now. This is in no small part thanks to...

Submission to the Climate-related financial disclosure: exposure draft legislation

The Business Council of Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide views on the climate related financial disclosure exposure draft legislation and accompanying explanatory materials. Our members support continuous improvement in the quality of climate related financial disclosures to facilitate investment...

Submission to Merger Reform consultation

The Business Council of Australia believes that Australia's merger control regime has served Australia well. The low-cost and flexibility of the current model works well, particularly in times of dynamic change. We consider there are opportunities to improve the merger...

Submission on the Digital Identity Bill

The Business Council of Australia supports the Government implementing an economy-wide digital identity system. This substantial reform is poised to deliver tangible privacy benefits for Australians while playing a pivotal role in fostering a modern and seamless economy. The Digital...

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