Submission to the Commonwealth Government on revised occupation lists for temporary skill shortage visas

This Business Council submission to the Commonwealth Government proposes revisions to the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) so that certain occupations, which are important for business competitiveness and economic growth, can qualify for a four-year temporary skill shortage...

Submission to the 2017 review of climate change policies

The Review of Climate Change Policies must resolve a number of fundamental tensions if Australia is to restore its comparative advantage in energy; deliver a strong, internationally competitive economy; and meet our 2030 emissions reduction target. A decade of fractious...

Submission to the inquiry into establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia

Several countries known to have modern slavery occurring in parts of the labour market produce goods and services that are sold in the Australian market. The complex and multi-tiered nature of supply chains can limit many companies’ visibility of what...

Submission on the draft Indigenous business sector strategy

This is the Business Council's submission to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet on the Indigenous Business Sector Strategy Consultation Paper. The Indigenous business sector has grown rapidly in the last decade, spurred by increasing demand from the private...

Performance review of the Australian innovation, science and research (ISR) system

Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott has written to Mr Bill Ferris AC, chairman of the Innovation and Science Australia, to offer preliminary views on the questions he has framed to start his 2030 Strategic Plan consultation. For many economies worldwide...

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