The Business Council of Australia has made a submission to Federal Treasury’s review of the Commonwealth Government’s Competitive Neutrality Policy. Competitive neutrality aims to ensure that government business activities, including Government Business Enterprises, do not receive a competitive advantage due...
The Business Council supports the Government’s reform program for the coastal shipping sector and the nine proposed amendments to the Coastal Trading Act 2012 set out in the Coastal Shipping Reforms Discussion Paper (2017). The changes will create a more streamlined and...
Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott has written to Mr Bill Ferris AC, chairman of the Innovation and Science Australia, to offer preliminary views on the questions he has framed to start his 2030 Strategic Plan consultation. For many economies worldwide...
This is the Business Council of Australia’s submission to the Ministerial Forum on Vehicle Emissions’ consultation on vehicle emissions and fuel quality standards. The Business Council supports the introduction of stricter CO2 emission standards for new light vehicles in Australia. Multiple...
This is the Business Council of Australia’s submission to the Productivity Commission’s National Water Reform issues paper. The Business Council continues to support the development of regulatory frameworks in water markets that can pave the way for private investment in...