The Business Council of Australia (BCA) advocates for the efficient and effective delivery of services in the health and care economy and achieving improved outcomes for Australians accessing these services, whilst ensuring funding is sustainable. A clear plan for the...
The Business Council of Australia encourage the Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications (Committee) to consider the ramifications of how the existing reconsideration provisions of the EPBC Act are now being used. The Committee should support measures to reform...
The Business Council of Australia (BCA) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Revitalising National Competition Policy consultation and contribute to the work of the Council of Federal Financial Relations to revitalise National Competition Policy and develop long-term, pro-competitive...
The Business Council of Australia welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water’s Nature Repair Market Discussion Paper. The BCA supports the Nature Repair Act 2023 and development of supporting rules as the...
The Business Council of Australia (BCA) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Competition Review Taskforce's consultation on merger notification thresholds. The government's proposed merger reforms create a legal obligation for businesses to notify, or otherwise seek a notification...