Submission to Treasury's review of competitive neutrality Policy

The Business Council of Australia has made a submission to Federal Treasury’s review of the Commonwealth Government’s Competitive Neutrality Policy. Competitive neutrality aims to ensure that government business activities, including Government Business Enterprises, do not receive a competitive advantage due...

Submission to the foreign policy white paper taskforce

The Business Council welcomes this opportunity to provide a submission on the Foreign Policy White Paper. In today’s increasingly globalised economy, the Australian business sector regards international stability and predictability as vital to prosperity of nations, including Australia. And increased...

Submission to the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Inquiry into payment times and practices

This is the Business Council of Australia’s submission to the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman’s inquiry into payment times and practices. The inquiry was set up to examine concerns raised with the Ombudsman by small business suppliers about...

Submission to the better budgeting discussion paper

This is a submission to the Labor Party’s Better Budgeting discussion paper. The ultimate goal of government spending must be to improve community living standards through the provision of crucial services such as education and health care, public infrastructure, national defence and...

Additional submission to the Senate Inquiry into corporate tax avoidance and minimisation

This is an additional submission to the Senate Economics References Committee Inquiry into Corporate Tax Avoidance and Minimisation after the committee resolved to broaden the scope of its inquiry to include Australia’s offshore oil and gas industry. The Business Council...

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