Submission to the inquiry on the adequacy of Newstart and other payments

The Business Council believes all Australians should be able to achieve their potential and welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee inquiry into the adequacy of Newstart and related payments and alternative mechanisms...

Response to discussion paper: improving protections of employees' wages and entitlements

The Business Council supports reforms that will strengthen the integrity of Australia’s workplace laws so that everyone – business, workers and the community – can be confident that those laws will be observed and that breaches will attract appropriate consequences....

Submission to the Senate Economic References Committee inquiry into Australia's oil and gas reserves

The Business Council believes that Australia’s resource tax arrangements, which include royalties and the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (PRRT), have worked appropriately to date. The latest data from the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association indicate that the oil and...

Submission to The Board of Taxation Review of Corporate Tax Residency Consultation Guide

This is a joint Business Council and Corporate Tax Association submission to the Board of Taxation Review of the corporate tax residency consultation guide.  Tax outcomes are important for attracting investment, and a competitive tax system should be complemented by...

Submission to Treasury on the Digital Platforms Inquiry

This is the Business Council’s submission to the Federal Treasury on the final report of the Digital Platforms Inquiry. 

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