Submission to the QLD Supermarket Pricing Select Committee

30 April 2024

The Business Council of Australia (BCA) is very mindful of the cost of living and price pressures confronting Queenslanders and notes that this inquiry can contribute to better understanding the factors affecting prices.

Any investigation of the issues around supermarket prices should recognise that this is a highly complex issue. The last few years have seen considerable disruption and cost pressure through supply chains including the COVID pandemic, workforce shortages, increases in salaries, energy and raw material price increases, disruptions due to natural disasters and supply shortages.

Food retailers, including supermarkets, operate as part of a complex supply chain including producers, manufacturers, transport and logistics operators, and retailing operators. The final price paid by a consumer reflects the cost and margin to suppliers and the retailer of producing, manufacturing, transporting and distributing, and retailing the product at a convenient time and place
for the consumer.

Read the full letter here.


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